Monday, August 21, 2006

No Pics

I'm having a hard time posting pictures for some reason...Safari quits during each upload. I'll try again in the morning.

I was attempting to post a picture of Henry in a Halloween t-shirt since he got to pick out his clothes this morning. Svea wore an outfit that I can't tell if it is ugly, cute, or so ugly it's cute. It was on sale.

We had a horrific day and I plan to be in bed by 8:30p since it's pretty much guaranteed I'll be up again (with Brian and both kids) at midnight. Party at our house.

"Prisonbreak" did resume tonight so that is the good news (especially since "So U Think U Can Dance" is over). Other good news is Svea is saying "duck" to all ducks and to the dog; I put new pictures on our mantle today because I was sick of looking at the same ole stuff; I ran 4 errands in a row this afternoon with both kids and no meltdowns in public (lots in private); and there were still some Harry & David truffles in the fridge for after the kids went to bed. Woo hoo.

Hope all of you are well...


leta joy said...

So sorry you're having a hard time. Hope today is better.

iMollie said...

OMG your chocolate chip cookies saved the rest of my week. Thank you, friend.