Thursday, May 03, 2007

Waaaaarrrrr Tide!

Aunt Brooke is an Auburn Cheerleader! Congratulations!!!

Brooke is third from the left.

Brooke and Aubie

Brooke and Trent, the BF. Awwwww.

I want to be clear about the inconsistencies in our house. Any of you from around Alabama, the actual state on the map, is most likely aware of the rivalry between the University of Alabama and Auburn University. The tension in this rivalry hits every speck of the spectrum, and our house is no different EVEN THOUGH we live in Indiana and I don't care about football (only Friday Night Lights).

So, just to be clear, I want to outline some history:

People in my family (the Jacksons) who went to Auburn University:
Maternal grandfather
Maternal grandmother
Maternal uncle (not sure if he finished)
Paternal grandfather
Aunt (kinda)

Jacksons who root for Auburn:

Jacksons who went to U of Alabama:

People in Brian's family who went to Auburn, or are big fans of Auburn:
Everyone he is related to in Selma, about 15 people maybe?
Paternal aunt and her family (5 in all)

Ericksons who went to U of AL:

HOWEVER, Brian still grew up with season tickets to the ALABAMA games, our children have an Alabama fan-mania outfit in every size beginning with newborn-3 months, we purchase a special ESPN Game Plan to watch every game in the fall, we have a huge AL flag for the front of our house, Henry knows the fight song, Svea says Roll Tide regularly, and Henry still forces us to call him "John Parker" whenever he sees fit.


No wonder the entire fall season gives me a headache. These allegiances make no sense.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Congrats to Brooke - but I agree, Roll Tide.