Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Quilt for Genevieve

Dear Genevieve, 

We waited, and longed, for you for ages.  We loved you before you even came into this world. That's weird to write since I have never actually met you.

My idea for your quilt began when your mom and dad began planning for and loving you. Now you are big. Like, five years old or something.
Your mom loves cats. So do I. And aren't those colors cute??

Through each of these squares, I thought of you, made wishes for you, hopes, dreams, and silly faces.

There are thousands of stitches here for you, sweet girl.  The stitches are not even or straight. In fact, the color of thread may not even match. But that's okay; sometimes life is like that.

I hope it brings you warmth when needed, comfort and cushion when required, and a send of proud purpose as YOU are a GIFT to this world.
