Tuesday, December 08, 2015

DNR - JTI: Take 4

Dear Negative Internal Chatter, 
I get it, the double chin is here to stay and the chin hairs are stout.
Why do you have to be so LOUD? You should be nicer already, extend some grace or something.
Do Not Respond - Just Take It.

Dear Precious Middle Child, 
Though your ears turn to stone when I begin to speak, and your nose assumes a permanent stank-smell position, I still love you. You are partially screwed because I am a female middle child too and I 50% feel sorry for you and 50% require you to suck it up. Did I mention I love you so much I text you in my mind when you are at school all day? 
BTW, that stank smell is your armpits - wear deodorant already.
Do Not Respond - Just Take It.

Dear New Kittens, 
When you bat at the Christmas ornaments, they will fall. Every. Single. Time. 
It's called Gravity. 
And I bought a Christmas Tree Smelly Candle to combat the aroma of the 17 litter boxes you now fill...and I scoop. But when you purr on my neck and cuddle on my arm and make muffins on my lap, I am smitten, weird kittens.
Do Not Respond - Just Take It.

Dear Niece Who Is All Tween-ish, 
I did, in fact, finish The Mazerunner. There were days I missed the characters and worried about their survival. I felt embarrassed about that. 
I was intrigued at the word "inventions" of shuck and klunk...and how once again a novel about Basic Needs and Survival has gone viral with teen lit MAYBE because the teens reading said novels do not have to worry about Basic Needs and Survival? Wondering how popular this novel would be in Syria or Uganda? 
Hashtag Just Sayin'.
Do Not Respond - Just Take It.

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