Thursday, December 08, 2011

10 Years Ago

Ten years ago today, I ate a Whopper from Burger King. Right after I got my hair did up with pearls.

Somehow I knew that it would be my very last Whopper ever. I'm not sure if it was a Last Supper to my life as a bachelorette, or if I was figuratively and literally leaving one life behind me at that moment and moving towards a life of Better In Every Way.
Regardless, I'm glad I ate it, savored it, and left it.

Then I got married. At 3:30 pm on a warm December 8th in a beautiful church, surrounded by beautiful people.
My memory recalls that everything was A LOT that day: a lot of people, food, excitement, love, things, stuff, gifts, happiness, love, smiles, conversations, clothes, time, words, hope, love, fake snow for throwing as confetti, fatigue, planning, laughter music - did I mention love?

Thank you, most of all dearest Brian, but ALL of you who continue to surround us.

(I totally stole this picture from Brian's Facebook post...he took the picture with his phone this morning from our wedding album which we read over breakfast - awww so sentimental, yawl - and the kids were definitely not into it. So Brian read me Kimberly's homily out loud while I packed lunches and wrapped cakes and the message was better 10 years later...just like our marriage...and fine wine.)


kbc16 said...

Happy Anniversary! (a few days late).

iMollie said...

Thx KB!

amber said...

i remember this beautiful day, too... love you both