Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hippy Potty Mas

Just finished this baby quilt and pillow for a friend due next month.

Most of the front is made out of some burp cloths and a sheet I found at Ikea last November.

The back is a soft white sheet with stripes that I found at a local consignment shop. It wasn't very easy to sew on, but it's so soft I couldn't resist.

I had enough for one extra quilt sqare, so I sewed some scrap terry cloth on the back and stuffed it full of polyfill.

Very fun to make...


Babs said...

In case you forgot: You are a superstar.

bp said...

Oh my goodness, this is just awesome. you are a-maze-ing. amazing.

Whitney Crane said...

It is beautiful! I love the matching pillow! My dream is to make a quilt, it is very intimidating:) Maybe some day..

k said...

This looks GREAT!

iMollie said...

Thanks everyone! It really was fun...

Anonymous said...

i am so impressed! so full of talents...you are amazing. :)

love you

Jesika Ellis said...

GORGEOUS! Well-done, M!