Sunday, February 01, 2015

Lesson My Impact #3: Pouches

Terracycle to the rescue again!

They have a Go-Go Squeeze Brigade!
Can you imagine if nursery schools and preschools and lunch rooms would collect empty pouches and mail them in??

That would be a lot of pouches saved from the land fill.

TBH, the Drink Pouch Brigade is pretty amazing too. Capri Sun and Honest Kids empty drink pouches can be mailed in and recycled into more pouches (through a shredding then melting process they show you on the web site - scroll to the very bottom of this page).

I used to cut off the tops and rinse and dry them, but now you can just mail the whole flattened pouch in with the straw still in and everything!!

Thank you, Terracycle, for trying to make saving the earth as convenient as possible.

The work involved for me (AND YOU) is collecting, bagging, packaging, printing the label, and scheduling a UPS pick up or just dropping it off at UPS.

The only cash costs for you are the packaging supplies, printer ink and driving to UPS. Which means it's basically totally worth it.

If YOU collect, I will ship!! We can be a team! Go team!
Let me know...

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