She finds them in every corner of our house, shoves them on her face upside down leaving fingerprints all over them and declares herself MOOOOOOOOVIE STARRRRR.
So when I have on my prescription glasses she always wants to try them, and I usually resist in fear of ruining her vision early. I'm still holding on to the chance that both kids inherited Brian's 20/20.
But one night I gave in. And it was hilarious. She was holding them to her face, looking at the carpet and high-knee marching around the room.
I couldn't see her doing this, of course, but Brian was laughing so much he had to go get the camera and record it for me so that when I got my smudgy glasses back I could see how cute she was in them.
Once again, parenting awards abound in our house.
I should also get one for letting Henry pee in the parking lot when I picked him up from school today, too.
Letting your kid pee in any public place, stall or not, automatically garners a parenting award. No application necessary.
I always let Calvin pee in the parking lot. In fact, last week, I let him pee outside the toy store because I didn't know where the bathroom was. I don't know what I will do with Suzana...I have always envied the male ability to pee standing up without making a complete mess.
AWESOME. it's great to have friends like y'all.
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