Meet John.
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These are pieces of slate I was using to top a table I built. The center piece had these veins of rust in it, and I thought it would be a good Wabi Sabi picture, that is, until I dropped it. Oddly enough, it became much more interesting when it was broken. I placed the other pieces to contrast the brokeness, and it seemed very Easter-y to me then.
"The Fountain"
This is a concrete bird bath in our backyard that we have never put water in. Turns out that is good thing as it is crumbling between the bowl and pedestal. I took tons of pictures of this, some with the sun shining through the hole, some from below, some from above. I liked this one best, because the edges of the hole were highlighted with light.
This is Ivy that is growing on the side of our house. I'm reading "The World Without Us" by Alan Weissman right now (a book about how quickly nature would take back the world is humanity disappeared), and I liked the idea of nature reclaiming part of our house. It made me wonder how long it would take for the ivy to just completely take over the house if we weren't around.
Again, don't forget to comment and vote.
Until tomorrow...
way to lead us off!
first, i think this is a great idea and kudos for john being the voluntary guinea pig.
i love the cracks and colors on the tiles. i think a close up of them would have been nice as well.
the fountain is my favorite of this set. i think the perspective of the shot is great and i love the texture of the crumbling bird bath.
the commentary on the ivy is beautiful and very thought provoking. the lighting is nice on the leaves as well...
i think john has creatively captured wabi sabi moments around the house...finding meaning in those simple things that go unnoticed every day. very inspirational!
Wow John! I love the fountain...I love how the light and trees come through the hole. This picture makes me want to see more about this fountain, it peaks my curiosity.
I do love the colors of the slate...I bet your table is going to be beautiful!
Thank you for starting us out...I can't wait to see more!
I love the slate, and voted for it because I think it best embodies the theme.
But the fountain - love it! It seems a bit like an optical illusion to me - the first time I looked at it I thought the pedestal part was a bowl, and I couldn't figure out the top part... but maybe I just have a weird brain.
What fun, Mollie!
Great job, John, and thank you for starting this fun project! I loved all 3 of them, and really loved how different they were. I also like the fountain one the best and didn't realize there was a hole in it at first until I read your description. Very interesting and made me think "don't get rid of this even though it is not functional as a bird bath - it is such a piece of art!" Great job.
I love the Ivy photo. The light and movement in this picture are beautiful. After I read your description, I could feel the ivy's veins crawling and sprawling up the wall.
All three pictures were really really great!
Wow, John. You're a great photographer! I, too, like the fountain shot the best. The angle from the bottom up is great. Somehow, this shot makes me think of long ago reading THE SECRET GARDEN. All 3 are really incredible. I like the lighting on the other 2 as well.
Lovely photos, John. I love the fountain! I'm so drawn to that hole in the stone. I love that you can see so clearly through it. It's almost like a window to another world! Great composition. I'm so glad I'm learning to see things Wabi Sabi-that hole really makes this fountain special.
I believe the phrase used in the art world is "udemaan," from the German root "ueda" meaning "badass in the photographic sense." I really love the colors and the texture of all three pieces. I think I like the slate one almost too much, which made me worry it was un-wasabi-bobby like, or whatever it's supposed to be.
I am from Alabama.
The fountain one is simply amazing, how many levels of light there can be in one picture, and that's also what I notice most about the ivy picture. All three pics are very inviting to the viewer, in similar fashion to the way the Aussie Cheese Fries function at Outback.
Great job, John, and I want to see a pic of the table next. Can we have a wannabesabi woodworking show next?
John, I love the fountain photo! The colors, texture, perspective - all fantastic! Very nice.
I love the fountain and how it takes a minute to figure out what it is if you don't already know. And the colors are amazing- great shots.
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